@mimundolibros: These characters are so well done! Including all the secondary ones and each one that appears on the scene. Sentiments and emotions are ready to explode at any time. The ending is super open and intriguing. Without doubt, this is my favorite part so far!

@historiasentretusmanos: I´m fascinated by the way past situations are resuscitated in order to familiarize us with the context. The author maintains the rhythm of the story. It´s one of those sagas that get more and more addictive with each part!

@thebooksland: With regard to these books, I especially want to point out the author´s spectacular descriptive ability because it allows her to place the reader in each sequence. It´s as if it were a film script since it affects us visually through our imagination; it´s a film with a very original fictitious world that I would go to see!

@elpoderdeloslibros: Wow! Impossible to get bored. Something is always happening. As for the scenes, I highlight the author´s ability to describe this dystopian world; we feel as if we were living there in the flesh!

@girlreading.books: Full of action. There's a lot of plot twists that leave us speechless. At no time do you get bored. I recommend reading this saga 100%! Every chapter is better than the previous one. The plot was quite intriguing and everything is so well related and no details are left out. The adrenalin I experienced reading this book was incredible. I loved the evolution of the characters. And the ending!

@loslibrosdecielo: Book after book you feel yourself more and more involved in this saga, you feel how its characters suffer and love. This book had everything. This saga is magnificent! I loved it. There are new characters, and many new adventures. It´s very well written, not a single little mistake, and it is impossible to tear oneself away from the book (and from the saga, to tell the truth). Super recommended! It´s an incredible book; I couldn´t put it down; it´s really addictive. This story has been thought out again and again, and it shows. I hope you have a chance to read this saga, it´s truly wonderful.

@agusentrelibros: It´s very addictive. Every situation captivates you and doesn´t let you stop reading. On a number of occasions I was left speechless. There´s nothing superfluous in this story; everything fits together perfectly. This saga never ceases to surprise me!

@aficionadaalalectura: Lots of action as in all the previous parts; the scenes are very descriptive and this gives you the sensation that it could easily be adapted to the cinema. It surprises you and leaves you wanting more!

@marsbookcats: The plot is very interesting, I couldn´t stop reading this book. I liked it a lot, it has potential, well developed characters and a lot of intrigue!

@agusentrelibros: It takes hold of you right away. This time we have a lot more action. It´s simply incredible. I really recommend this saga in the strongest terms!

@azulbooks: Wow! It makes you want to read and read! I love its originality. I loved the character of Lara; likewise for Jano. Don´t miss the opportunity to experience this saga, it´s great!

@elpoderdeloslibros: You want to know more and more. The author succeeds at teletransporting us to a very well constructed universe. The character of Lara is as complex as it is magnificent and steals the show. All the characters contribute something to the story. It´s impossible to put it down!

@literatos: Enthralling. This book was like a roller coaster of the emotions: anger, sadness, joy, anxiety, resentment, stupefaction. The author keeps the tension high and delivers us an ending I didn´t expect. I can´t recommend this science fiction saga enough. I´m really enjoying it!

@palabrasdesdeelsol: For the love of Gael, read this saga! I love the way the characters keep growing; we can´t understand them completely and this adds a lot. Dog is the most expressive character of all and the one you feel the most affection for. This book has everything: love, tender moments, action, intrigue, unpredictability, sadness. It´s riveting and leaves you wanting more.

@unacortedelibros: The entire saga is super recommended! The whole story is loaded with action; at no moment did I get bored while the pages fairly flew by. As in the previous books, the ending is explosive and leaves us with an urgent need to read the next.

@dimequeleerok: Without doubt, it would do great on TV. It opens the door to an absorbing and riveting story. What I liked most was that as I went on reading, I could imagine the scenes and characters as a kind of series or movie. It managed to exceed my expectations!

@sweetbooks.ok: I enjoyed it from beginning to end! The plot is very fluid and interesting. It is a book full of drama that will make us really suffer together with the protagonists we already love. If there is anything that the author knows how to do, it´s leave us wanting more!